The Power of Delegation: Why Smart CEOs Outsource

Published: July 23, 2024
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The ability to delegate can distinguish between thriving and merely surviving as a CEO. Embracing its transformative power can help you get things done quicker and accelerate innovation and growth. As your responsibilities become more complex, you’ll need to loosen the reins, trust your team, and learn to delegate tasks to them effectively.

As countless other articles on leadership will tell you, time is money, and your time is particularly valuable. Through effective delegation, you can focus your precious working hours on the revenue-driving aspects of your business. While you focus on the big picture, your team will assemble the puzzle.

This article will explore why delegation is critical for CEOs like you and how it can drive business success. Then, we’ll share practical strategies for effective delegation so you can better optimize your leadership skills and organizational performance.

The Smart CEO: Why Delegation is Proof of Effective Leadership

It’s no secret that executives are crucial to a company’s success. According to McKinsey, the areas of business that a CEO controls account for 45% of a company’s performance. In simpler terms, this figure illustrates that your time is essential. Because your moves can impact almost half of your business performance, you must use your time wisely and focus on the more pressing aspects of your operations.

In fact, in the same McKinsey report, which studied over 7,800 executives across 3,500 companies, industry experts determined that adhering to “personal working norms” is one of the best practices for successful CEOs. They found that high-performing executives managed their time and energy well by prioritizing tasks only they could do.

Instead of worrying about paperwork, data entry, and other smaller administrative tasks, you must focus on the bigger picture. By strategically focusing on your business’s revenue-driving areas, you can improve outcomes, drive company growth, and even empower your employees.

Real-Life Example: Bill Gates

To further illustrate the transformative power of delegation, consider the example set by Bill Gates, one of the most influential business leaders today.

In an interview at the University of Washington Business School, the Microsoft co-founder and former CEO discussed what he believed to be the secret to his success. He said the best decision he ever made was picking the right people to work with and trusting them to execute the tasks necessary for their projects to come to life. 

Bill Gates understood that he didn’t have to do all the legwork for his business to be successful. Finding the right partners and trusting them to do their part enabled him to focus on his core responsibilities. Under his effective leadership, Microsoft became one of the world’s most powerful technology companies, with Gates reaping a net worth of 134.5 billion in 2024.

How has this strategy enabled Bill Gates and other high-performing CEOs to improve business outcomes? Let’s break down each element shaping the power of proper delegation:

Employees stand around a CEO. Image caption reads: The Power of Delegation for CEOs.

Boosting Business Growth and Profitability

Are you struggling to loosen the reins with your team because you’re afraid your business will fall through the cracks? If so, this should be your most significant takeaway: Proper delegation won’t hurt your company’s performance. It’s more likely to accelerate growth and increase profitability.

Don’t just take our word for it. Gallup’s research confirms that delegation directly affects business performance. In a survey of over 500 CEOs, those considered “high Delegators” reaped an average three-year company growth rate of 1,751% – over 112 percentage points higher than executives who were ineffective delegators.

In addition to boosting business growth, CEOs who were experts at delegation generated 33% higher revenue than their delegation-averse counterparts. Because of their significantly higher revenue and growth, these entrepreneurs were also able to provide more job opportunities on average. High Delegators created 21 new jobs in three years, compared to only 17 for low Delegator CEOs.

The bottom line is that delegating effectively frees up your precious time, allowing you to focus on increasing revenue, profitability, and growth. So, don’t be afraid to give your team space to do what they do best.

Empowering Teams and Building Trust

With a clear understanding of how delegation enhances strategic focus and improves profitability, let’s explore its impact on team empowerment. Delegation isn’t just good for business performance. It can also do wonders for your employees’ development and overall well-being.

When reading thought leadership articles, you’ll notice that many executives credit their employees’ hard work and dedication in shaping business success. They recognize that effective delegation empowers teams and builds trust within the organization, leading to higher productivity and efficiency.

According to a Gallup study on employee engagement, workers who feel more connected to their organizations are 18% more productive and have 81% fewer absences. Companies that prioritize engagement also reap the benefit of an 18% decrease in attrition.

What’s the best way to nurture employee engagement? Invest in your workers’ professional development by giving them roles and responsibilities you know they can handle, providing opportunities to grow in your organization, and creating an overall positive company culture.

In summary, employees who feel their skills and talents are being used effectively will likely remain engaged and happy in your company.

Building Your Dream Team: How Successful Delegators Do It

Empowering your team through proper delegation can be easier said than done. How can you foster trust and encourage teamwork while maintaining employee productivity? Here are the best practices of successful delegators, according to the industry experts at Gallup:

  • Identify your team’s strengths when assigning tasks. According to Gallup’s research, delegators use a “strengths-based approach” when planning their business strategies. They get to know their employees, assess each one’s skills and talents, and position them to handle tasks or projects where they are likely to excel. Your motto should always be to find the right person for the right job. Instead of pushing square pegs into round holes, ensure each assignment is a good fit for the person you’re delegating to.
  • Give everyone the support and resources they need to do their jobs. To become an effective delegator, set up your team for success by equipping them with the proper tools, training, and learning opportunities to do their best work. Show your employees you care about their growth and want them to reach their full potential within your organization. 
  • Create an environment that encourages open communication. Finally, another habit of successful delegators is frequent and effective communication. Create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect in your company, allowing for two-way dialogues and constructive feedback. When providing criticism, discuss strengths and weaknesses to maintain employee morale and highlight accomplishments and achievements whenever possible.

Driving Innovation and Creativity

Beyond strengthening relationships with your team, delegation also accelerates innovation and creativity. Instead of trying to do everything independently, delegating tasks to other team members will allow for greater diversity and inclusion, welcoming fresh ideas and perspectives in the decision-making process.

According to the World Economic Forum, numerous studies directly link diversity and innovation. Companies with above-average diversity scores reaped 45% greater innovation than those that did not prioritize inclusivity. 

Many successful delegators practice decentralized decision-making through flatter organizational structures. This approach distributes authority and responsibility to different levels of a company’s hierarchy. 

Traditional executives followed a top-down approach to decision-making, meaning rank-and-file workers and their immediate supervisors typically had no say in decisions that directly affected their daily workload. With decentralized decision-making, you can empower frontline employees and managers to make critical choices.

Here’s the main benefit of this strategy: Employees are on the frontlines of your business and are often directly exposed to the consequences of a particular decision. 

Sometimes, an unexpected and urgent problem may arise, which they must resolve quickly. Decentralized decision-making means they can respond to the issue in real time without needing to wait for higher-up approvals before taking action. This creates greater flexibility and agility for your business, allowing you to adapt to sudden disruptions and changes.

Why Smart CEOs Outsource Infographic

Practical Tips for Boosting Innovation Through Delegation

With proper delegation, you can foster a culture of innovation and creativity by leveraging diverse skill sets. Here are the best practices you can follow to create a more innovative company culture:

  • Relinquish control and trust others to make decisions. Keeping a tight grip on every little decision your organization makes can lead to stagnation (or even declines) in business performance. In contrast, highly successful delegators understand that they can’t accomplish everything independently. Giving authority and responsibility to other team members shows you trust and value their judgment. 
  • Encourage diverse ideas and approaches. One common mistake delegation-averse executives make is following tradition at the expense of innovation. They hinder growth by refusing to consider new approaches, perspectives, and trends. To accelerate innovation in your business, encourage all employees to share their thoughts and ideas, no matter their role. Assure them that you welcome change and are open to taking calculated risks for the company’s betterment.
  • Connect with professionals from around the world. Being exposed to diverse cultures and backgrounds can directly impact innovation and creativity. If you want to build a global team of professionals with specialized expertise, consider nearshoring and offshoring some tasks to an experienced BPO provider. This way, you can leverage the knowledge, skills, and perspectives of workers beyond your home country, helping you find more innovative ways to enhance your operations.

Improving CEO Productivity and Work-Life Balance

You may have read countless articles about leadership, focusing on the benefits of delegation on your employees and overall business performance. However, are you aware that delegating tasks to others can also do wonders for your happiness and work-life balance?

In addition to fostering innovation, delegation significantly impacts personal productivity and work-life balance. As mentioned in previous sections, time is precious, and spending it on the right tasks is crucial for your company’s growth and success. 

Delegation lets you focus on your core tasks and responsibilities while empowering your team to handle the rest. Thus, you become more productive, less stressed, and overall happier.

How Delegation Helps You Prevent Burnout

Let’s face it: Today’s CEOs face extreme fatigue and burnout. A Deloitte study found that 82% of senior leaders admitted feeling exhausted, and 50% are considering resigning, retiring, or taking a leave of absence for their mental health and well-being.

This phenomenon of widespread burnout has been ongoing for the past few years, starting with the Great C-Suite Resignation of 2021. This period saw the second-highest number of resignations among senior business leaders, with 142 quits in October and an additional 106 in December of the same year.

The good news is that learning how to delegate tasks to employees properly can significantly lighten your workload and improve your work-life balance. 

Successful delegators focus on outcomes rather than processes, setting clear expectations and practicing proper communication with everyone on their team instead of micromanaging. This approach will improve your relationship with your employees and reduce the burden you carry, allowing you to relax and leave tasks and projects in your team’s capable hands.

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Delegation improves profitability, employee engagement, productivity, innovation, and business focus, all while helping CEOs like you avoid stress and burnout. Through outsourcing, you can effectively delegate non-core tasks to nearshore and offshore professionals, enabling you to prioritize your core responsibilities.

As a BPO company with headquarters in the U.S., the Philippines, and Colombia, SuperStaff has extensive experience helping businesses achieve strategic focus through outsourcing. We offer a wide range of comprehensive and scalable outsourcing solutions that we can customize to meet your needs and goals.

If you enjoyed reading this in-depth guide, follow us on LinkedIn for more helpful articles and content. For those ready to take the next step in their outsourcing journey, feel free to contact us for a quick consultation!

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